Friday, July 25, 2008

Political article that made me laugh.

This article cracked me up. And thus, I share it with the 3 people who might stumble across this blawg.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Flat tire and a deduction of Man-Points

I'm sitting in the mechanic's waiting room while they repair a flat tire and give me a couple of new ones. It's really easy to "sell" me new tires for a fleet vehicle I don't pay for. It went something like this. Mechanic-"Mr. Knight, these 2 tires are a little uneven. Do you want to replace those today?" Me-"Yes."

I even lose some Man-Points b/c I couldn't change the tire. Better said, I couldn't remove the flat tire because of the wussy "might-as-well-have-been-made-by-Hasbro" tire iron included in the car. I did make a new friend from Roadside Assistance.

You must check out one of my favorite desserts. I try to explain these cookie/wafers to AK all the time. Well here they are. Check out the complete dessert here.