Thursday, August 23, 2007

¡No más!

I think I've officially, at age 34, kicked the case of AMVS (you know, "Adult-Male Videogame Syndrome"). Listed the xbox 360 on and sold the device within 24 hours for $300 more than I paid for it. I don't feel any different. No withdrawals. It can be done. I guess I've logged enough hours playing Halo2 online that I've had my fill and whetted the online-gaming appetite.

In other news, I fished the Low-Pro above Sundance last week with cousin Benny. Landed 3 or 4. The Provo ain't what it used to be. Still, it was an unbelievable setting to be fishing in the shadows of Timp with a gazillion stars overnoggin.


Andy said...

you are so cute.

Christie K said...

Well thank you!! I am so proud of you for kicking the habit.

Rachel said...

WHAT?!?! Seriously that is such a bummer. I love that driving game we used to play all the time at 1522. But I guess it is OK:)

go boo boo said...

You are a babe! Yes, love that you think you are cute. For the record, we still have the old xbox for the fun driving game and some star wars lego game (which I have succumbed to using in desperate bribe situations! Love, Boo

go boo boo said...

Oh and I was bummed to lose my fancy new DVD player for my yoga video ;).

MarySue said...

Such the grown-up. Love the kid in you also!!!! You're just perfect...what do you expect from the mom.

JoJo said...

Hey we love video games, but it was probably a smart move since you made such a profit!!!

I love Star Wars Legos, btw. (Ours is for the Gamecube, though, since that's our system o choice.)

Matt Stayner said...

I'm never giving up video games.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about my PS2!!! Maybe I should sell that and my guitars!