Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sledding Follow-up

What's up with stores trying to jam me for $40 for a foam sled?! I guess when they know that all the Costcos are out of them they can jam you. I almost paid the asking price when O really wanted it but came to my senses. I waited a few days then picked one up for $19 once the trucks could make it through to refill the shelves at Costco.
We hope Mateo and the Gang drive safely back to SoCal. They stayed an extra day to avoid the much predicted storm we all thought would kill us. The minute they left this morning it started snowing. Timing.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Sledding & Scones

We are rocking in the New Year with a sore coccyx and about 2 lbs. of sweet cream butter and honey that rode its way into my body through 2 straight days of deep fried scones. We made them apres sledding at Sugarhouse. Then a 3rd time we made a meal out of them after neither ak nor I knew what to fix for dinner. "Well, let's fry up some more of this fatty dough in some liquid fat, then we'll make Navajo tacos!" So that was dinner. Diet starts tomorrow! right.

Sledding was a blast. I'm surprised there were no breaks, concussions, or red snow. I did see a little kid get blasted by an inner-tube and rider at break-neck speeds do a complete aerial flip and live to tell about it. H & O caught some of the "best rides of their lives"!
We even found new uses for a Pottery Barn box.