Friday, December 28, 2007

Bob Vila Jr.

So I've been working on the 3-month long "Christmas present" of replacing the bedroom doors, casings, and baseboards upstairs. I was pretty sore and tired when H came upstairs and started with this attitude of a been-around-the-block handyman.
"So Dad, how are the doors coming?"
"Really good," I said.
"That's awesome. They look great. Did you get new door knobs?"
"Dad that's great." I showed him around the rooms and what we had changed or added.
You should have heard his tone and enthusiasm. I let him run the shop-vac. That takes vacuuming to another level. The shop-vac.
I just should have had him put on his little orange apron from Home Depot. Icing.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Television drought

We got rid of directv and replaced it with none of the equivalents (dish, comcast, etc). We replaced it with hours of me getting slaughtered by the West Regional Scrabble Runner-Up 2006 AK! We've got to find a replacement game fast. Suggestions? Battleship, Pick-up-Sticks, Pencil Fights?

My parentals got rid of tv for a while as a kid, but we had 5-acres to turn into a snake-catching, tree-fort building, zucchini-war fighting, rooster-roundup chasing, rabbit-cage cleaning paradise!