Friday, July 18, 2008

Flat tire and a deduction of Man-Points

I'm sitting in the mechanic's waiting room while they repair a flat tire and give me a couple of new ones. It's really easy to "sell" me new tires for a fleet vehicle I don't pay for. It went something like this. Mechanic-"Mr. Knight, these 2 tires are a little uneven. Do you want to replace those today?" Me-"Yes."

I even lose some Man-Points b/c I couldn't change the tire. Better said, I couldn't remove the flat tire because of the wussy "might-as-well-have-been-made-by-Hasbro" tire iron included in the car. I did make a new friend from Roadside Assistance.

You must check out one of my favorite desserts. I try to explain these cookie/wafers to AK all the time. Well here they are. Check out the complete dessert here.


Rachel said...

Enjoy the break while you get tires!

MarySue said...

Well Andy...what an incredible dessert. I'm so glad to hear to still love it and want to give it a shout out; what a man.

go boo boo said...

Yes. I do recall the mention of the cookies. You are such a manly man, you were trying to change a tire in your suit dude. I love you.

Anonymous said...

You have great blog and this post is good!
best regards, Greg

Anonymous said...

Lady Gaga is probably my biggest guilty pleasure in music. I can't explain why I like her.
And you?